
ALTOP Management Improvement Institute is officially established!

Gathering is fate; gathering is the collision of wisdom and the creation of wealth; there is a fate called “ALTOP”; it brings us together and creates opportunities for a better tomorrow! On June 29, 2021, the company ushered in a very important milestone. The company formally established the “ALTOP Management Improvement Institute (AMI)” and held a grand inaugural meeting. 

With the appearance of the host, the curtain of the inaugural meeting of the “ALTOP Management Improvement Institute” was opened.

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01.‘Speech by Wei Qianghui, Chairman of ALTOP Management Improvement Institute’s Committee

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In his speech, Chairman Wei shared the original intention and mission of establishing the Institute, emphasized the importance of improving management capabilities, and put forward the ardent expectations for the students and the Institute.

The aim of the college is to “help others and achieve oneself through sharing”. It is hoped that through discussions and exchanges, students will be guided to think independently, promote mutual thoughts, cultivate students’ management wisdom, and help students to solve daily management problems with ease. Improve the leadership level of the trainees and strive to build a high-quality management team.

02.Exciting moment, the unveiling ceremony of ALTOP Management Improvement Institute

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Chairman Wei Qianghui and Standing Committee Chairman Tan Caihong opened a new chapter in the “ALTOP Management Improvement Institute” for our college!

Let us explore and study as much as we can in the training institute, let us stop in front of every beautiful thought, let learning light up the lamp of our soul, let thought expand the width and length of our life, enlarge the existing advantages, and highlight the potential Strength, let us improve our management wisdom under the nourishment of Zhongying Institute!

03.Huang Hongying, secretary-general of the Academy, announced the constitution of “ALTOP Management Improvement Academy”

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The articles of association clarify the school’s purpose, membership rules, management requirements, membership qualifications and rights and obligations, membership conventions, and membership management regulations.

04.‘ALTOP Management Improvement Institute’s membership certificate was awarded, and 29 members were recruited in the first phase

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05.All members solemnly pledge to swear an oath to the college convention.

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On the road of training, because we have each other, we are no longer alone. We are a group of fellow people. We support each other, encourage each other, and grow together. When someone is off course, we guide him to correct the course; when someone is confused and wandering, we Help him pull out the clouds; when someone encounters pain and helplessness, we will be his most powerful think tank.

06.Speech by Member Representative Zhu Decai

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A good life cannot lack good opportunities and platforms. Those who can discover and seize opportunities, realize their dreams, and practice their abilities are all those who are prepared. So from today, start from the “ALTOP Management Improvement Training Institute” and be a prepared person!

07.Standing Committee Chairman Tan Caihong shared “We are ALTOP Dream Chasers”

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The inauguration ceremony was successfully completed in the wonderful sharing of Chairman Tan.

If you don’t accumulate steps, you can’t reach a thousand miles; if you don’t accumulate small currents, you can’t become a river. We are down-to-earth, constantly striving for self-improvement, accumulating and improving bit by bit. I believe that after many years, we will definitely thank ourselves for working hard today, and our life will be different because of this training journey.

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Just five minutes after the inaugural meeting ended, the heavy rain came. The heavy rain washed away the hardships and hardships of the past and ushered in a brand-new future for us. Sure enough, there is a world of dreams in our hearts.

The editor, on behalf of all the students, thanked the company for providing us with such a high-level and in-depth platform. I believe that all the students will use their own efforts and strength to repay the company; at the same time, I hope that the students will emancipate their minds, work hard, and make good use of ALTOP management to improve research The platform of the hospital to realize your greater value in life.

I believe that under the leadership and support of Chairman Wei Qianghui and Standing Committee Chairman Tan Caihong, ALTOP Management Improvement Institute will go farther and farther and do better!

Post time: Jul-06-2021
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